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TF401232 - WorkItem XXX doesn’t exist – Azure DevOps

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    Konrad Bartecki

When you are moving work items between projects/organizations then you should make ID column empty in your CSV file.

Let's say you have following csv file:

ID,Work Item Type,Title 1 ,Title 2,State,Effort,Business Value,Value Area,Tags
"2","Feature","User account",,"New",,,"Business",
"3","User Story",,"As a User, I can create my own account","New",,,"Business",
"4","User Story",,"As a User, I can login to application","New",,,"Business",
"5","User Story",,"As a User, I can change my password","New",,,"Business",
"","User Story",,"As a User, I can logout from application","New",,,"Business",

Make the ID column empty, so new IDs can be assigned automatically by DevOps so it looks like this:

ID,Work Item Type,Title 1,Title 2,State,Effort,Business Value,Value Area,Tags
"","Feature","User account",,"New",,,"Business",
"","User Story",,"As a User, I can create my own account","New",,,"Business",
"","User Story",,"As a User, I can login to application","New",,,"Business",
"","User Story",,"As a User, I can change my password","New",,,"Business",
"","User Story",,"As a User, I can logout from application","New",,,"Business",